Pannonhalma Archabbey
The Benedictine Archabbey at Pannonhalma is a paramount historical site, ecclesiastical and art historical center of Hungary. Due to the lure of the Archabbey and the scenic landscape, the city is one of the most visited tourist destinations of the country. Its main attraction, the ‘thousand year old abbey’ holds not only architectural significance, but through a series of diverse exhibitions and collections presents a cultural historical overview to its visitors. The monumental complex of the archabbey was constructed atop Mount of Saint Martin. The original Romanesque undercroft and cloister and the Gothic basilica during the course of subsequent centuries were completed with Baroque and Classicistic components which determine the present-day facade of the archabbey. Numerous rarities are held in the 400.000 thousand volume collection of the 19th century library hall. The 55 m tall tower, one of the most famous creations of the Hungarian Classicims crowns the edifice. Our animated short movie demonstrating the building phases of the archabbey and the castle is presented to the public at the site. The preliminary research work was conducted by Balázs Szőke.