One of the animated films we created for the new permanent exhibition of the Saint Mauritius Monastery of Bakonybél is the film displaying the life of...
Kaposvár is located at the foot of the Zselic, on the banks of the river Kapos, in a strategically important wetland environment. Our short film shows...
In Lakitelek, in the Hungaricum Exhibition House in Hungarikum Liget, we made a planetarium short film about the typical constellations of the 4 seasons and the...
One of the animated films we created for the new permanent exhibition of the Saint Mauritius Monastery of Bakonybél is the film displaying the life of...
We did video shooting during the winter of 2016/2017 in the castle of Füzér reopened in the end of 2015. We’ve had the opportunity to present...
Our short film titled Secrets of a foundry has been created for the permanent exhibition titled Muster of arms interactive exhibition from the Péterváry collection. The...
The ruins of this military camp can be seen outside Visegrád, to the north, on a hill that overlooks the Danube. The camp has a triangular...
The research of the glasshouse ruins of Pusztabánya started in the middle of the 1980s leaded by Gábor Kárpáti, then Ásatárs Ltd. worked on the site...