Mosque of Ali Pasha in Szigetvár

The special mosque built as the predecessor of the Szent Rókus church in the center of Szigetvár was built by the janissary Müezzinzáde Ali, an active player in the Ottoman conquest. The building with a square floor plan was one of the largest buildings of the vassalage with a side length of 16 meters. The specialty of the mosque is that its minaret was unusually built in front of the vestibule. Nothing like this is known in the area of the ​​conquered lands. The tomb of Ali Pasha stood not far from the building. To this day, the place of worship has been preserved in the walls of the Szent Rókus church, its reconstruction was carried out with the cooperation of Balázs Sudár within the framework of the NKVP project concerning the Szigetvár castle.

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